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It has been a bit, things have been hectic for me irl. I got a research assistant position in town, it doesn’t pay, but I am learning in hopes of getting to be a part of the byline for a future project in the lab I am in. I am trying to get into graduate…

NaNoWriMo Final Stats

The Forsaken TaleWord Count: 116,281 Wandering Affection AUWord Count: 40,167 Wandering AffectionWord Count: 94,732 FanfictionWord Count: 13,829 Christmas ProjectWord Count: 3,428 I have started another project during the last two weeks and completed another chapter in Fanfiction along with The Forsaken Tale. As you can see, my WIPs are increasing, again, and I need to…

NaNoWriMo Stats Week 2

The Forsaken TaleWord Count: 114,012 (+1,919) Wandering Affection AUWord Count: 40,167 (+63) Wandering AffectionWord Count: 93,810 FanfictionWord Count: 10,248 (+10,248) I met both my goals, 10k was reached and 2 chapters, one for TFT and the fanfiction I began. I am not proud of hyperfixating on it, but I am a sucker for world building…

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