
It has been a bit, things have been hectic for me irl. I got a research assistant position in town, it doesn’t pay, but I am learning in hopes of getting to be a part of the byline for a future project in the lab I am in. I am trying to get into graduate school and that is…difficult.

What truly stumped me is that The Forsaken Tale draft I was writing out, yeah remember that?, the document is no longer updating since the end of December. There’s a red X on the status so every time I close the file I would lose my progress and I didn’t realize that until the second day. I have a copy on a flash drive, but it wasn’t up-to-date from what I wrote during NaNo. Logically I know that I should have at least four backups, but I cannot keep track of them for the life of me.

I did surpass the point that I was at in NaNo, so I am quite proud of myself.

I’ve been focusing on TFT only and my estimate it should be 121-123k long for the first draft. Then I’ll have to sit on it and revise it later, perhaps add a prologue since I wasn’t too happy with the first one in the original file, I got rid of it in the copy.

These are some of the major updates going on in my life, I got into a critique group in my town and I am enjoying that immensely. There are so many excellent writers and it’s nice to learn from them.

Well signing off for now.

Have a lovely timezone and stay hydrated everyone!

NaNoWriMo Final Stats

The Forsaken Tale
Word Count: 116,281

Wandering Affection AU
Word Count: 40,167

Wandering Affection
Word Count: 94,732

Word Count: 13,829

Christmas Project
Word Count: 3,428

I have started another project during the last two weeks and completed another chapter in Fanfiction along with The Forsaken Tale. As you can see, my WIPs are increasing, again, and I need to write the most hallmark-inspired story for one of my family members because it is difficult to buy a gift when someone says they don’t want anything.

Hopefully I can get it complete, the main cast is seven characters and I have an outline for eight chapters. I am going to make sure that my hands don’t slip and follow the outline to a T and be on my merry way.

I am proud of pushing myself to write in November and sometimes it was difficult to find time given that I spent hours trying to find what graduate schools I would love to enroll into. I still have to compile the list but I’m off to relax now!

Have a lovely timezone everyone and stay hydrated!

NaNoWriMo Stats Week 2

The Forsaken Tale
Word Count: 114,012 (+1,919)

Wandering Affection AU
Word Count: 40,167 (+63)

Wandering Affection
Word Count: 93,810

Word Count: 10,248 (+10,248)

I met both my goals, 10k was reached and 2 chapters, one for TFT and the fanfiction I began. I am not proud of hyperfixating on it, but I am a sucker for world building in my favorite trashfire tv series. It involves magic and there is a hidden magical world in the mundane world and that is my jam, it’s why I love TFT so much. Turns out, my hands slipped this week, as always, and I am not that upset about it.

As always, have a lovely timezone and stay hydrated!

NaNoWriMo Stats Week 1

The Forsaken Tale
Word Count: 112,093 (+1,892)

Wandering Affection AU
Word Count: 40,104

Wandering Affection
Word Count: 93,810

I am almost done with one chapter for TFT. I plan on doing weekly updates for the stats, mostly to make it seem like I am writing a lot more than I should. I am somewhat disappointed that I was unable to write more this week, I took a few days off to draw, and I had a lovely time this week.

I went to a live event for the writers in my city. We all received a prompt of a well known novel and for the next ten minutes we had to create a new introduction to a novel or poem. I abhor my prompt and I was tempted to write something erotic but more than half of the writers there were older and I didn’t know if that was going to be in poor taste.

My prompt was that Raymond was thinking about a woman he never touched and I should have gone with my instincts rather than making this into a field day for a Boy’s Home group as he was looking at his coworker. I could have also made this into a sci-fi setting and this man named Raymond loves an NPC or a Player in a game.

Regardless I had fun and I dragged a friend of mine to the event. We both had fun and I am impressed that someone wrote about teenagers doing their chores and not complaining because there is a circus coming in town. We all had the same ten minutes to write and that sounded like a proper introduction.

One day I’ll get better at writing.

Anyway I might be getting close to my two chapter goal for this month as I am not even a fifth way toward my 10k goal. Let’s see if I hit them both!

Have a lovely timezone and stay hydrated everyone!

NaNoWriMo Stats

It is time to post my introduction to this month’s writing. My goal is either 10k or completing two chapters in one of my projects. I have wrote more for The Forsaken Tale and finished a chapter. So here’s to hoping I’ll get that project done or something similar. I will be making sure my text is blue for the month of November rather than the typical black. I already have purple for the blog.

The Forsaken Tale
Word count: 110,201

Wandering Affection AU
Word Count: 40,104

Wandering Affection
Word Count: 93,810

Day 238

The Forsaken Tale

Words: 109,274 (+725)

I went to another critique group today, one that meets up once a month. I received feedback over the first chapter of The Forsaken Tale and some of the words I couldn’t understand. From what I could make out, there is a consensus of past and present tense was flipping, that they want descriptions of Kellina, her dialogue along with Roxie’s are too similar, and want some form of action within the school because they think that the chapter started too early.

I disagree for the last part because this is supposed to express the begin of being trapped in a time loop. Regardless this in person critique was interesting, I exchanged my number with an older woman who is so kind and is a phenomenal writer. I wanted to read more of her short story she is writing because the dynamics and voice of all characters can be differentiated.

I will be rewriting the first chapter soon, especially when reading one paragraph where I thought I deleted. There is repetition that was not intentional.

Too bad I sent this draft to the Saturday critique group as well.

I am going to be rolling with the punches and I will be participating in NaNoWriMo this year. I will most likely not be able to meet the 50k, but I know I can hit the 10k mark if I am focusing between 3 projects.

I am going to head to bed. Stay hydrated and have a lovely timezone!

Day 236

The Forsaken Tale

Words: 107,967 (+499)

Today I joined for the first time in a writing group in my city. We did it over discord and it seems nice. There was only one prompt that we had to write for twenty minutes and everyone shared! I stuttered a lot and I should have posted it in the channel, but I kept seeing typos so you have to correct them on the fly. I am thinking about inserting it into the Wandering Affection AU, either the end of chapter two or beginning chapter three so I can truly display that my protag is not okay.

I am putting that idea on hold but it is posted at the end of the document. I didn’t include it into this weekly challenge, but I managed to get a little over five hundred words. I was editing while some members were talking so it definitely went over the limit. Also I couldn’t include the words, “You’re welcome…” which was a part of the prompt.

I really wanted to include it since this is the first group I’ve joined and I missed last week’s meeting because I was running my biweekly dnd session but I digress. Besides this, I have another group over Zoom this Saturday during the afternoon that I can attend. It’s a critique group. I plan on listening but I am going to have to select the first chapter of either The Forsaken Tale or Wandering Affection AU because the actual story has a genderfluid character and I switch pronouns every other paragraph. I need to make a good first impression even though I think my writing is lacking, but I have a story in my soul and by God I will have it written somewhere so it doesn’t torment me so.

Both groups meet weekly and there is a monthly in-person critique group where I would have to print out ten pages double spaced to have it ironed. Whatever I don’t get critiqued this week, I’ll have the other project make an appearance in the other critique group. They are meeting this Wednesday.

Day 235

The Forsaken Tale

Words: 107,468 (+638)

I managed to finish a chapter today for this project. I really need to focus on TFT or WA instead of WA AU.

It’s why I had a friend of mine choose what project I should be focusing on today because I gave them a short synopsis of what is to be in each chapter. They chose the one where animals will be featured heavily in. Now to get to that part after a short conversation with my favorite sarcastic wolf.

What I imagine my characters would look like when they see me type out future angst

Day 234

Wandering Affection AU

Word Count: 40,104 (+973)

I just realized I had a typo about the word count from the previous day. That is now fixed because no way I have written 50k for this project. I am getting close, hopefully I can wrap it up before then and write an alternative chapter to the one I just completed. Originally two scenes would not be there, but I wanted my protag to not be a dumbass. Also with these two scenes it’ll make sure this draws to a close. What I do regret is that it isn’t going to be fulfilling the original ending to the prompt I had in mind about a year and a half ago.

Stay hydrated everyone and have a wonderful time zone!

I need to catch some sleep.