

It has been a bit, things have been hectic for me irl. I got a research assistant position in town, it doesn’t pay, but I am learning in hopes of getting to be a part of the byline for a future project in the lab I am in. I am trying to get into graduate…

NaNoWriMo Final Stats

The Forsaken TaleWord Count: 116,281 Wandering Affection AUWord Count: 40,167 Wandering AffectionWord Count: 94,732 FanfictionWord Count: 13,829 Christmas ProjectWord Count: 3,428 I have started another project during the last two weeks and completed another chapter in Fanfiction along with The Forsaken Tale. As you can see, my WIPs are increasing, again, and I need to…

NaNoWriMo Stats Week 2

The Forsaken TaleWord Count: 114,012 (+1,919) Wandering Affection AUWord Count: 40,167 (+63) Wandering AffectionWord Count: 93,810 FanfictionWord Count: 10,248 (+10,248) I met both my goals, 10k was reached and 2 chapters, one for TFT and the fanfiction I began. I am not proud of hyperfixating on it, but I am a sucker for world building…

NaNoWriMo Stats Week 1

The Forsaken TaleWord Count: 112,093 (+1,892) Wandering Affection AUWord Count: 40,104 Wandering AffectionWord Count: 93,810 I am almost done with one chapter for TFT. I plan on doing weekly updates for the stats, mostly to make it seem like I am writing a lot more than I should. I am somewhat disappointed that I was…

NaNoWriMo Stats

It is time to post my introduction to this month’s writing. My goal is either 10k or completing two chapters in one of my projects. I have wrote more for The Forsaken Tale and finished a chapter. So here’s to hoping I’ll get that project done or something similar. I will be making sure my…

Day 238

The Forsaken Tale Words: 109,274 (+725) I went to another critique group today, one that meets up once a month. I received feedback over the first chapter of The Forsaken Tale and some of the words I couldn’t understand. From what I could make out, there is a consensus of past and present tense was…

Day 237

The Forsaken Tale Words: 108,549 (+582) The critique group I went to was amazing. While I didn’t get a chance to submit my chapter, I do have access to the group folder. Most of the edits came from me reworking chapter one in preparation to send to the group with two new paragraphs. I am…

Day 236

The Forsaken Tale Words: 107,967 (+499) Today I joined for the first time in a writing group in my city. We did it over discord and it seems nice. There was only one prompt that we had to write for twenty minutes and everyone shared! I stuttered a lot and I should have posted it…

Day 235

The Forsaken Tale Words: 107,468 (+638) I managed to finish a chapter today for this project. I really need to focus on TFT or WA instead of WA AU. It’s why I had a friend of mine choose what project I should be focusing on today because I gave them a short synopsis of what…

Day 234

Wandering Affection AU Word Count: 40,104 (+973) I just realized I had a typo about the word count from the previous day. That is now fixed because no way I have written 50k for this project. I am getting close, hopefully I can wrap it up before then and write an alternative chapter to the…


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